Monday, May 27, 2013


Of course, the first step in prepping is lots of research. 

The first site I use is Obesity Help.  This is where I started my research for Mexico.  On the forums I was able to ask about others who have done the same thing.  It's also helpful to read of others successes and trials.  I will admit that it's also scary to read of their complications.

The second site I fell in love with is The World According to Eggface.  She is a former gastric bypass patient (over 10 years ago) and she is a foodie.  So she has modified regular recipes as well as made up recipes for using protein powder (ie protein ice cream, protein shakes, protein drops).  She has regular give aways and reviews products.  In general, easy to read and informative. 

The third site I'm loving is My Tiny Tank.  She is also post surgery (13 years) and her blog is less about the food but more about her personal daily experience.  She does post daily.  She has had some regain and is working to try and get it off.  I have had a few emails with her and love that she is very open to answering questions.  And, for those people who can't make it to a local support group, she offers a support group via a conference call.

I've visited many others...but these are the ones I visit on a regular basis. 

From suggestions of these sites...I've started acquiring a basket of supplies I will need.  The man in brown has been doing lots of stops at my house.   Here is part of the bounty:

What is included?  Well Gas-X strips, lots of samples of protein powders, a couple shakers for the protein and a thermometer for the chicken soup protein option (too hot it kills it), sugar free puddings to use as either pudding or as flavorings in the protein drinks, sugar free drink mixes to add to water, small ramekin dishes (many people use toddler size plates and utensils and I'm not sure I will but I did like the idea of these little ramekins as bowls because regular bowls are SO big), and lastly a product called PB2 which is a powdered peanut butter.  You can add water to reconstitute - or you can add (as is) to protein drinks.  It has significantly less fat that regular peanut butter.

Not shown (but purchased) is an ice cream maker (so I can make eggface's protein ice cream), a food processor (so I can puree foods for the soft foods stage), a hand mixer (for protein drinks, etc), and a six pack of sugar free Torani flavorings (to add to protein drinks).   There are still things on my list - such as vitamins.  But it's getting there.  I'm glad I gave myself a couple months to get ready.  (Although there is part of me that freaks out and considers NOT doing it because I have so much time on my hands.)  But I know I want to live an enjoyable life while I still have time.  And everything else has failed.


  1. Well Jane, thank you for the shout out in your blog post today! I'm going to enjoy reading more from you!!!

  2. Another site that is AWESOME is - I read it all the time. It's more about her personal journey. She's now down over 200 lbs!

    1. Thanks Michelle, I will check that out. I spent a while on the sleeve site you mentioned last night. In general it was very informative (some of the people had lost a LOT of weight and it was my impression that this surgery was only a stepping stone for those who had a lot to lose so that was eye opening). I did have some frustration with how slow the site loaded and navigating it. I cleared my browsing history this morning and will try it again. Maybe it was me.
