Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Plan

I had a consult with a local surgeon - but found out that my insurance excludes all weight loss surgeries.  Actually, my insurance excludes anything to do with weight loss (which makes perfect sense...NOT)  In addition to excluding weight loss surgery...if I opt to pay out of pocket for insurance also excludes any future expenses that they deem are related.   This bit of news sent me home feeling hopeless...doomed to a life where everything hurt and where enjoyment was hard to find.

So, I made the decision to have the surgery in Mexico.  I feel like some people have been less than supportive of that decision.  Not necessarily of surgery - but the choice to have it in Mexico.  So, why did I make this decision?  Well, first off was the cost.  The surgery that costs $22,000 in the U.S. will cost about 1/3 of that in Mexico.   Secondly, I truly believe that the care provided will equal (if not exceed) that of the U.S.   Thirdly, accidents (and complications) happen - whether in Mexico or the United States.  My Mom died from sepsis after a surgical error.  Fourth, I have researched the particular surgeon and feel like he is competent.  He has performed over 5,000 of these surgeries.  He is FACS certified, is a member of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, a member of the Society of American Gastro and Endoscopic Surgery, and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.  He was born in the US and served in our military.  He practiced in the US for 10 years - as an organ transplant surgeon and working in trauma residency.  He also teaches bariatric surgeries to others in the US and Canada.  And in all of this he has ONE patient die.  Considering they are operating on very high risk patients to begin with - this is exceptional.    Fifth, by having the surgery in Mexico, I am not having to go further into debt - which means hopefully I can afford to pay for any complications that arise.  So - even though I would prefer to have the surgery locally - I have my reasons for going elsewhere.  I have joined a local support group which I think is a key factor to success.

So, my surgery is booked.  July 16th.  I fly out in the morning - arriving in Mexico around noon.  My friend will be flying in about the same time.  The driver from the Dr's office will pick us up at the airport and take us directly to the hospital.  At the hospital they will do a preop workup (EKG, bloodwork, etc) and as long as everything looks good I will have surgery that afternoon.  I will spend two nights in the hospital and two nights at a local resort where the Dr. will check in daily.  On July 20th, they will take myself and my friend back to the airport and we'll both fly home.  

I do have to do a two week preop diet.  The first week is basically eating healthy.  The second week is all liquids.   After surgery I will also be all liquids at first and then progress to soft foods and eventually to solids.  My stomach capacity will go from it's current size - to about 1/4 cup.  The idea behind gastric bypass is that you have both restriction (can't eat as much because your stomach capacity is smaller) and malabsorption (so of the food you eat you will absorb less of the calories/fat).  Unfortunately, this also means you absorb less of the vitamins.  So - for the rest of my life I'll need to be diligent at taking vitamins and having my levels checked.    The malabsorption of fat/calories only lasts for approximately 12-18 months because your body adjusts.  And during that time my stomach will stretch to approximately a cup.  So anyone who has gastric bypass has a 'golden window' for weight loss of about 12 - 18 months.  Weight can still be lost after that point but it will be much slower. 

So...that's my plan.  To kick ass for 12-18 eat protein and drink water and exercise.  To lose as much as possible while I am in the golden phase.  To not waste a minute because I am paying dearly for this opportunity and I'm not going to take it for granted.  I am sure there will be times I will wonder what in the heck I did to myself - but ultimately I believe I am giving myself the gift of a better life.  My Mom once told me that it was great that I liked to give to others - but that until I learned to give to myself as well - that I would never be happy.  Well, it's time for me to be happy.

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