Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pre-Op and a Hospital Change

Received an email message letting me know that my surgeon has changed to using a different hospital.  I've heard reviews from people who have been to the hospital and I'm not concerned at all about the change.

For those who want to know more about my surgeon, here is his website:

And here is a youtube video showing a tour of the hospital...Hospital Nova:

For those that have asked I do have to do a 2 week preop diet in order to shrink the liver and make the surgery safer.  This is what my pre-op diet looks like:

Days 1-7
Choose low fat foods/avoid fried foods.
Stop using all sugar (can use substitutes).
Stop drinking sugar sweetened beverages.
Start weaning off caffeine and carbonated beverages.
Eat 3 meals a day.  Do not skip any.
Decease portion sizes.  Eat more fruits and vegs.
Practice drinking water between meals, not with meals.
Drink 64 oz water a day.
Avoid alcohol.
Begin some form of exercise.
Practice chewing foods 20-40 times to paste consistency.
Avoid salt intake to reduce swelling after surgery.

Days 8-14 Full Liquid Diet
Diet will consist of high protein supplements that are low carb. 
(I assume they are talking protein drinks here.)
Low fat fruit juice, chicken broth, cream soups, skim milk and yogurt are allowed.
Calorie intake limited to 1000-1200 a day.
Drink 48-64 oz of water each day.
Solid foods are NOT allowed.

Don't have that much longer before I start the preop diet.  Getting in those last lunches and happy hours.  :)  Also need to go finalize my Will...just in case.  Time is flying by.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found your blog thru vertical sleeve talk and must commend you on very good blog.
    Wishing you lots of luck!
    a fellow July sleever!
