Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Traveling as a Fat Person Sucks

Sorry I've been MIA but I went out of town to a family reunion.  Thus my subject for today. 

We are waiting to board the plane and my son (12) asks if we are sitting together.  We fly Southwest where there are no assigned seats.  So I told him I didn't know for sure and asked him why.  He said he didn't want to sit next to me.  I asked why and he said, "because you take up all of your seat and half of mine".   OUCH.  Ok, I really do NOT take up half of his...but I do like to lift up the armrest between us so I'm not painfully squished and then I probably take up an inch or so of his space.

But the plane was full and I had to sit in a row with two strangers.  No lifting of the arm.  Uncomfortably squished.  Leaning away from the guy in the middle as much as possible so I wasn't in his space (especially after son's comment).  By the time I got off the plane my back was killing me.

Then we drive to the motel...and find out they assigned us a 2nd floor room.  This is an old motel so it meant stairs.  And steep stairs.  I had to take the steps one at a time and felt like an old lady with my painful knees.  By the second night I couldn't sleep because my knees and hips were hurting so bad.  Even enough Bengay to make the room smell like a geriatric ward didn't ease the pain.  So I stayed up all night and finally passed out the next day...and slept through the whole days activities.

Then we visited an old friend whom I hadn't seen in over 20 years.  We all took a tour of a WWII submarine.  I almost didn't go down at all because I was afraid I wouldn't fit.  I've been on an aircraft carrier as a child and remember how tight it was.  My friend assured me I would be fine and I wanted pics of my kids so I went.  There were a couple tight areas...and lifting my legs high enough to get through the "doors" was a chore.  I opted not to go into the tightest areas but was able to do most of the sub and get some good pics of my boys.  Am happy I went.

The trip home was better as we all were able to sit together.  Lifted the armrest and used sons tray table for my drink.

All through the trip I kept telling myself that this will be the LAST time I will EVER travel and be this uncomfortable.  I don't care how scared I may be in regards to surgery...the way I'm living right now isn't quality of life.  I can't just go on a simple trip (let alone an adventure trip) without pain and discomfort.  These are the reasons I need to do this surgery.  I wish I didn't need to.  I still sometimes think, "maybe I should just do Weight Watchers again" - but then I remind myself if I COULD have done it in the past I WOULD have done it in the past.  It didn't work for me.  Even if I could lose the weight...I couldn't maintain the weight and every time I ended up heavier and heavier. 

Less than 2 weeks still I start my pre-op diet.  I am trying to squeeze in all those happy hour and dinner's with friends that I can.   Won't be able to do them again for awhile.  Eventually I will be able to...just much less food.   Stay tuned for more updates!

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