I have been reading a lot of surgery forums and ran across a couple postings of people who regret having had weight loss surgery. One I could understand. She was truly one of the 2% that had major complications. But the others I couldn't understand. One posted that it had ruined her social life - that she was no longer able to go out with her friends because she hadn't told her friends she was having surgery. So now she stayed at home alone and was miserable. The other was a woman who said having surgery ruined her marriage. To me, the more I read the postings from these two women...the more the 'victim' mentality showed. If I had to guess these people were miserable to start with and thought weight loss surgery would fix all their problems. I'm smart enough to know this isn't a fix all. I do know from past experience that losing weight improves my self esteem and that makes me feel more empowered. I know I'll have more energy and that opens up new opportunities. But it won't fix any problems I have...I have to figure those out and fix them myself.
I know most people have "buyers remorse" during the early weeks. That isn't uncommon. You are in pain. You can only have liquids/soft foods. You generally have a stall in weight loss at about 3 weeks as your body is accommodating. You are grieving food and the relationship you had with it. You are feeling kinda crappy and can't use food to make yourself feel better. This is all normal.
So, in expectation of this - I talked with my counselor's office today to see if I could make more frequent visits for the first few months. And wouldn't you know it...the week I go for surgery...she leaves on six weeks of vacation! So when I met with her she told me that she'll be back in town briefly at least once (if not twice) during that six week time and she'd be seeing select patients if I wanted to see her. So looks like I'll be good to go on that front.
As far as an update...I am still trying to find someone to go to Mexico with me. My two possibilities fell through due to family obligations. Although lots of people go alone...I really would prefer not to.
I also got some samples from Optimum Nutrition of their protein powders...for FREE. I went on their website because I heard they had a cake batter flavor. I couldn't find it on their website. So I sent them an email asking about it and asking if they had sample sizes for purchase. They graciously responded back and said they would send me some samples of the flavors they had available.
I also stopped by Sprouts today (my first time ever). I've heard lots of positives about Jay Robb protein - and I was happy to see single packets of this at Sprouts. I bought one of each flavor to try (vanilla, choc, and strawberry). I also found they had single serving sizes of Almond Breeze 'milk' which I've heard lots of positive things about (it's only 40calories) and they had chewable calcium citrate which seems to be impossible to find. So lots of good things...will have to go back when I have more time. They also had multivitamins from Emergen-C that you mix with water and drink...want to check the label on those.
Slightly over a month to go....
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