Thursday, August 8, 2013

Week 3 Post-op

It's been over 3 weeks now since surgery and I can say I am finally starting to feel more human.   I am able to eat a lot more 'normal' foods.  I can go out with family and eat - just a much smaller portion and focus on the protein.  I won't say that it is 'easy' yet - as I am learning what my sleeve will tolerate and what it won't.  I throw up on an almost daily basis...and sometimes more than once a day.  And I still struggle with getting enough fluids/protein in and I'm still dizzy from a verticle to horizontal (or vice versa) position.  But all in all, I'm feeling almost human.  My stitches are almost healed, I can go walking longer distances, I can eat real is pretty darn good.  :)

I didn't lose much this week (much to my dismay) but I am noticing differences in the way my clothing fits.   So I'm ok with that.   I figure my body is still in shock and trying to figure out what the heck happened to it.  :)

Here is my loss up to now.

  Starting Wt Week 1 Preop Week 2 Preop Surg Day Week 1 (7/23/13) Week 2 Week 3 Total
  318.2 316.2 306.0 303.2 291.2 287.8  
Wt Loss 0.0 -2.0 -10.2 -2.8 -12.0 -3.4 -30.4

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 2 Weigh In and Regrets

First off, let's look at the positive...

 Starting WtWeek 1 PreopWeek 2 Preop Surg DayWeek 1 (7/23/13)Week 2Total
Wt Loss0.0-2.0-10.2-2.8-12.0-27.0

So, the weight is falling off but if you asked me RIGHT THIS MOMENT if I'd do it again...I'd tell you no.   I suspect in a few months you'll hear me singing a different song.  But this first couple weeks have been really rough. 

This week I have been experiencing extreme dizziness and nauseousness.  Because I used a surgeon in MX it isn't like I can just go for a check up.  And because my insurance will exclude anything they deem related to weight loss surgery...I'd rather no one in the states even know that I had the surgery.  This morning I thought about Urgent Care or calling my primary doctor.  I finally emailed the surgeon who told me to get in more protein.  So I am trying that.

I suspect part of it is the body adjusting to all the changes.  It is also really difficult to get all your fluids in and all your protein in.   But I am trying my best.  And I'm hoping this will only last a few days.  Cause it really sucks to feel this way.  It's hard to be a single Mom working two jobs when your world is spinning.  And it is really scary when you wake up and can't even reach for your phone. 

Also, as you lose weight the fat cells release your emotions are everywhere.  (And the anesthesia can cause depression that takes a month or so to wear off).  So I find myself just sitting and crying.

Ugh.  It will be worth it long term.  I have faith.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


First off...I did my one week weigh in on Tuesday.  At one week I'd lost 15 pounds total including preop loss.   I am currently seeing a 1 to 2 pound loss a will be interesting to see what the two week loss looks like.

  Starting Wt Week 1 Preop Week 2 Preop Surg Day Week 1 (7/23/13)
  318.2 316.2 306.0 303.2
Wt Loss 0.0 -2.0 -10.2 -2.8

I'm sorry I haven't been posting often.  This week was mostly about surviving and getting back into the swing of things.  I started back to work on Monday and by 3pm was falling asleep in my chair.  LOL. 

It's been a week of trying to get used to the new stomach.  It's really frustrating to not be able to eat whatever I want to eat.  Most liquids now go down without pain.  But the last couple days I've introduced protein drinks, a few bites of chicken and some greek yogurt as well.  There have been a couple other items that didn't go down well and came back up quickly.  Anything that is too thick seems to block gas from coming up and that seems to force it all back up.

Last night I went for my first true walk (have been walking in stores and such).  I drank water on the walk and then when I came home I tried a few sips of soup.  I experienced HORRIBLE pain but it didn't feel like my tummy.  It felt like my chest.  I was scared maybe it was a bloodclot.  Not knowing when something is serious or not is scary.  I took some gas x and put on a heating pad and it passed after a while.  So I am assuming it was some of the trapped gas from surgery.  I've heard it can be quite painful but so far I haven't experienced it.   Taking it very slow this morning.  Back to sipping Gatorade (only thing I've had today and its noon).  

I worry about my nutritional status.  I know I'm not getting hardly ANY calories/protein/etc.  I am doing my best.  And I'm having faith that in another week or two hopefully I'll be able to make up for lost time.

I did buy a few things this week to help with my weight loss.   I found a new peanut butter cookie flavored protein drink at the Vitamin Shoppe.  It's quite yummy...especially mixed with chocolate protein. 

I also went online and ordered a FitBit (to track walking),  a fancy tape measure, and a Omron fat measurer.   Coming soon to a mailbox near me...

Will try to check in more often!


Saturday, July 20, 2013

5 days post op

Wow, so much has happened and I've been too busy to update.   I AM still alive and kicking.  :)

Let's see.  We left Hospital Nova on Thursday around 11am and went to Hospital Angeles for our leak test.  This hospital is where my surgeon's office is - but it is much more expensive so he uses it only to check for leaks.  We were taken directly back and swallowed our nasty stuff one by one.  We were able to see each others insides working (kinda cool) and we were given a copy of our results to bring home.  Everyone passed and we were taken to the Hotel Lucerna to check in.  Unfortunately it was early and our rooms weren't ready.  So we went across the street to a restaurant that we were told had good broth.  We had broth and then walked next door for Gatorade and then back to the hotel and checked in.  I was lucky enough to have a gorgeous pool view.  The others in the group weren't as lucky (parking lot view and way back view of the loud nightclub behind the hotel.)    We rested for a bit and then we were off again to go to the mall.  Took a taxi there but walked around at the mall and then took a taxi back.    I was done in and took a pain pill and was out by 10:00.

Friday I slept till 10:00.  Woke up and looked out my curtain and realized the rest of the group was sitting by the pool.  Got dressed with the intention of going down.  Dr. Kelly knocked on my door and said he just wanted to see how I was doing.  I wasn't doing well.  Every sip HURT (and I've had 5 surgeries and 2 kids and I am NOT a wuss).  I was in tears and couldn't stop crying.  I was freaking out that I would go home to the high heat and end up dehydrated because I couldn't drink.  He thought I was homesick at first.  I told him I was hurting.  He said he'd stop by later that evening with an anti-inflammatory shot to take down some of the swelling in the stomach and it'd make swallowing easier.  He gave me a hug and left.   I went down and joined the others who informed me they wanted to go to Revolution Row.  Daytime it is a tourist shop spot with vendors, zebra painted donkeys, etc.  Nighttime it turns into a party zone we were told.   We were warned by our driver not to go past a certain area (known as the 'red light district').  I think we all had a good time.  Bought a few things.  After a couple hours we headed back to the hotel.  I sat poolside with a book for awhile and then got some broth and went upstairs to wait for the Dr.  He had said between 6 and 8.  Turned out to be closer to 8:30.  There is no time in Tijuana I've learned.   He had his wife and son with him.  They gave me the shot and removed the drain from the hernia incision.  We talked a bit more at this visit.

This morning I got up at 7 and was ready by 8:00.  We had to build in 1 hour for border crossing and 1 hour for airport.  We finished a little early so we swung by the water and took some pics.  The surgeon's wife was our driver.  The others weren't flying out till later so she was going to drive them around and do some sightseeing once they dropped me off.  Their flights didn't leave for several more hours and apparently they only get 1 medical pass for the border per day.   Today the pain is significantly less.  Was able to drink a whole glass of water on the plane...felt like I'd accomplished a major feat.  :)

All in all, I felt the service was amazing in Tijuana.  I felt like the surgeon was quite competent and the nursing staff attentive.  Sometimes language was a barrier.  I am glad I happened to schedule on a day where there were others for company.  Sad I was put on a different floor and we weren't allowed off our perspective floors.  Their spouses did come check on me which was very nice.  I also felt like maybe the surgeon didn't have good bedside manner...but after the last visit where he was more social...I wonder if it was more him being respectful that I was a female traveling alone.  I know there was another surgeon in Tijuana which had some complaints of being less than a gentleman.  So maybe that is all it was...because he did spend more time visiting with the couples.  We were given meds for home, instructions for home, a work release letter, a copy of our surgical report, preop xray and post op leak test picture.   I didn't feel like anything was done "under the table" so to speak.   Overall, as positive as a 'surgical' experience can be.  :)

Here are a few pics from the trip if you are so inclined.

Wounds day after surgery.  1 up top, 4 in a row, then 2 more down low for the hernia repair.

Hotel Lucerna Pool Area:   There is one pool with the bridge going over center.

Close up of bridge.

Turtle earrings bought on Revolution Row.
Back view of Lucerna Hotel.


San Diego water view near airport.

 Tree roots.  Thought these were so cool I had to take a close up.
Same trees further away. 
And thus concludes my Tijuana journey...let the weight loss journey begin!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 1 Post Op

This morning I felt really good.  I walked the halls.  Took a shower.  Got some ice chips. 

Fast forward a bit, realized I wasn't feeling quite as good as I thought originally.  The gas began hurting.  Drinking ANY water hurts. 

But it is ok.  I will take it one day at a time and soon will feel better. 

Tomorrow we check out of the hospital and go to a different hospital for a 'leak test'.   After that we will go to the Hotel Lucerna for another two days to heal. 

They had to put a drain in my wound where the hernia was.  Said there was a lot of tissue and if a drain isn't put in then it fills with liquid and can get infected.  So that will need to be removed tomorrow before we check out as well.

Ready to get out of here.  Extremely bored. 

And thus begins the rest of my life...

Officially sleeved!

Bear with my typing.  Hard to do with the IV and meds are also on board.  But I wanted to try and chronicle my experience thus far.

Showed up at airport and 8:30az time for my 9:30 flight to San Diego.  Arrived in San Diego and waited for van to pick me up.  I was the last patient arriving.  The surgeon's wife picked up 2 other patients and their support person and then me last.  Everyone was SO nice and we chatting as we were driven down.  It was a wild drive here....felt like a rollercoaster ride.  Crossed over the border and saw the guards with their guns.  Our car was pulled over for a quick search.  And then were were on our way.

Arrived at Nova.  We were taken to registration where we signed our release forms.  Then we were weighed and measured and taken to a holding room.  There we received our IV and did our preop tests (xray, bloodwork, ekg, visit from pulmonologist.   This was scary to me because my nurse didn't speak English and I wasn't sure where/why I was being taken.  I think they put something in the IV to help with nerves because I felt better after the IV was in.  The pulmonologist came in and listened to my heart and lungs.  Said I was healthy. 

Spent several hours waiting and then suddenly it was time.  They wheeled me down to the OR in a wheelchair - I walked into the OR and laid on the table.  And within seconds they had ne knocked out.

Don't remember recovery at all...assume I went to one.  Woke up slowly in a room by myself with oxygen on.  It was coming through a fog.  I eventually came to enough to roll onto back.  About that time the wife of one of the other patients came in to see how I was doing.  It was SO nice to have someone checking in.  She called down and got my purse and laptop out of storage so I could update FB and let everyone know I was alive. 

A couple more hours and she visited again.  Helped me up to the bathroom and walked with me in the hall  Came back and went back to sleep. 

Just woke up and am feeling pretty darn normal...not like a person who just had major surgery.  Hope it still feels this good tomorrow.  :)

Ok, struggling to stay awake.  Think I'll take quick walk and get some sleep.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

2 sleeps and Post Op Diet

I can't believe it is getting SOOOOO close!  I even started packing my bag today.

I did get my post-op diet plan from my doctor today and can I just say, "OMG, kill me NOW?"   Every surgeon's diet plans are different.  Usually there is a full liquid stage, followed by a pureed stage, followed by a soft food stage (scrambled eggs for example), and the full food.  At full food we need to eat protein first and it should be half of our meal, then vegetables/fruits, and if there is room left carbs.   Mostly I've seen a week to two weeks at each stage. 

I can't believe my surgeon doesn't have us eating anything until 3 weeks out!  Holy cow...two weeks preop and three weeks post op...I damn well better be MELTING after that long on liquids!

This is my surgeon's plan:

Day 2 thru Day 7
Clear broth or bouillon
100% no sugar added apple/cranberry/juice diluted 50% with water (max 8 oz day)
Tea/Coffee (I don't drink either)
Sugar free jello
Sugar free popscicles
Flavored water of choice
1 1/2 cups Gatorade
64oz water
Chewable multi and D3 vitamin
Day 8
Add 1/2 c skim milk
Day 10
Add liquid protein drinks
Days 22-28 (soft foods)
Pureed oatmeal
Cream of wheat thinned
Cottage cheese (low fat or fat free)
Egg whites
Pureed beans
Ricotta cheese
Sugar free pudding
Pureed soups
Potatoes (mashed/boiled/baked)
Pureed cooked vegetables
Pureed fruit
Day 29+ (Full Food)
Deli shaved meats
Beans and lentils
Cheese (less than 5 g fat per serv)
Crackers (less than 3 g fat per serv)
Cream cheese (reduced fat)
Nut butters