Saturday, July 27, 2013


First off...I did my one week weigh in on Tuesday.  At one week I'd lost 15 pounds total including preop loss.   I am currently seeing a 1 to 2 pound loss a will be interesting to see what the two week loss looks like.

  Starting Wt Week 1 Preop Week 2 Preop Surg Day Week 1 (7/23/13)
  318.2 316.2 306.0 303.2
Wt Loss 0.0 -2.0 -10.2 -2.8

I'm sorry I haven't been posting often.  This week was mostly about surviving and getting back into the swing of things.  I started back to work on Monday and by 3pm was falling asleep in my chair.  LOL. 

It's been a week of trying to get used to the new stomach.  It's really frustrating to not be able to eat whatever I want to eat.  Most liquids now go down without pain.  But the last couple days I've introduced protein drinks, a few bites of chicken and some greek yogurt as well.  There have been a couple other items that didn't go down well and came back up quickly.  Anything that is too thick seems to block gas from coming up and that seems to force it all back up.

Last night I went for my first true walk (have been walking in stores and such).  I drank water on the walk and then when I came home I tried a few sips of soup.  I experienced HORRIBLE pain but it didn't feel like my tummy.  It felt like my chest.  I was scared maybe it was a bloodclot.  Not knowing when something is serious or not is scary.  I took some gas x and put on a heating pad and it passed after a while.  So I am assuming it was some of the trapped gas from surgery.  I've heard it can be quite painful but so far I haven't experienced it.   Taking it very slow this morning.  Back to sipping Gatorade (only thing I've had today and its noon).  

I worry about my nutritional status.  I know I'm not getting hardly ANY calories/protein/etc.  I am doing my best.  And I'm having faith that in another week or two hopefully I'll be able to make up for lost time.

I did buy a few things this week to help with my weight loss.   I found a new peanut butter cookie flavored protein drink at the Vitamin Shoppe.  It's quite yummy...especially mixed with chocolate protein. 

I also went online and ordered a FitBit (to track walking),  a fancy tape measure, and a Omron fat measurer.   Coming soon to a mailbox near me...

Will try to check in more often!


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