Bear with my typing. Hard to do with the IV and meds are also on board. But I wanted to try and chronicle my experience thus far.
Showed up at airport and 8:30az time for my 9:30 flight to San Diego. Arrived in San Diego and waited for van to pick me up. I was the last patient arriving. The surgeon's wife picked up 2 other patients and their support person and then me last. Everyone was SO nice and we chatting as we were driven down. It was a wild drive here....felt like a rollercoaster ride. Crossed over the border and saw the guards with their guns. Our car was pulled over for a quick search. And then were were on our way.
Arrived at Nova. We were taken to registration where we signed our release forms. Then we were weighed and measured and taken to a holding room. There we received our IV and did our preop tests (xray, bloodwork, ekg, visit from pulmonologist. This was scary to me because my nurse didn't speak English and I wasn't sure where/why I was being taken. I think they put something in the IV to help with nerves because I felt better after the IV was in. The pulmonologist came in and listened to my heart and lungs. Said I was healthy.
Spent several hours waiting and then suddenly it was time. They wheeled me down to the OR in a wheelchair - I walked into the OR and laid on the table. And within seconds they had ne knocked out.
Don't remember recovery at all...assume I went to one. Woke up slowly in a room by myself with oxygen on. It was coming through a fog. I eventually came to enough to roll onto back. About that time the wife of one of the other patients came in to see how I was doing. It was SO nice to have someone checking in. She called down and got my purse and laptop out of storage so I could update FB and let everyone know I was alive.
A couple more hours and she visited again. Helped me up to the bathroom and walked with me in the hall Came back and went back to sleep.
Just woke up and am feeling pretty darn normal...not like a person who just had major surgery. Hope it still feels this good tomorrow. :)
Ok, struggling to stay awake. Think I'll take quick walk and get some sleep.
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