Sunday, July 14, 2013

2 sleeps and Post Op Diet

I can't believe it is getting SOOOOO close!  I even started packing my bag today.

I did get my post-op diet plan from my doctor today and can I just say, "OMG, kill me NOW?"   Every surgeon's diet plans are different.  Usually there is a full liquid stage, followed by a pureed stage, followed by a soft food stage (scrambled eggs for example), and the full food.  At full food we need to eat protein first and it should be half of our meal, then vegetables/fruits, and if there is room left carbs.   Mostly I've seen a week to two weeks at each stage. 

I can't believe my surgeon doesn't have us eating anything until 3 weeks out!  Holy cow...two weeks preop and three weeks post op...I damn well better be MELTING after that long on liquids!

This is my surgeon's plan:

Day 2 thru Day 7
Clear broth or bouillon
100% no sugar added apple/cranberry/juice diluted 50% with water (max 8 oz day)
Tea/Coffee (I don't drink either)
Sugar free jello
Sugar free popscicles
Flavored water of choice
1 1/2 cups Gatorade
64oz water
Chewable multi and D3 vitamin
Day 8
Add 1/2 c skim milk
Day 10
Add liquid protein drinks
Days 22-28 (soft foods)
Pureed oatmeal
Cream of wheat thinned
Cottage cheese (low fat or fat free)
Egg whites
Pureed beans
Ricotta cheese
Sugar free pudding
Pureed soups
Potatoes (mashed/boiled/baked)
Pureed cooked vegetables
Pureed fruit
Day 29+ (Full Food)
Deli shaved meats
Beans and lentils
Cheese (less than 5 g fat per serv)
Crackers (less than 3 g fat per serv)
Cream cheese (reduced fat)
Nut butters

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