Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 1 Post Op

This morning I felt really good.  I walked the halls.  Took a shower.  Got some ice chips. 

Fast forward a bit, realized I wasn't feeling quite as good as I thought originally.  The gas began hurting.  Drinking ANY water hurts. 

But it is ok.  I will take it one day at a time and soon will feel better. 

Tomorrow we check out of the hospital and go to a different hospital for a 'leak test'.   After that we will go to the Hotel Lucerna for another two days to heal. 

They had to put a drain in my wound where the hernia was.  Said there was a lot of tissue and if a drain isn't put in then it fills with liquid and can get infected.  So that will need to be removed tomorrow before we check out as well.

Ready to get out of here.  Extremely bored. 

And thus begins the rest of my life...

1 comment:

  1. You will feel better each day, promise! I felt like a Mack Truck ran over me the first three days. After that, I got better, stronger and had a bit more energy. Keep sipping, walking, resting and I promise you'll feel good.
