Wow, so much has happened and I've been too busy to update. I AM still alive and kicking. :)
Let's see. We left
Hospital Nova on Thursday around 11am and went to
Hospital Angeles for our leak test. This hospital is where my surgeon's office is - but it is much more expensive so he uses it only to check for leaks. We were taken directly back and swallowed our nasty stuff one by one. We were able to see each others insides working (kinda cool) and we were given a copy of our results to bring home. Everyone passed and we were taken to the
Hotel Lucerna to check in. Unfortunately it was early and our rooms weren't ready. So we went across the street to a restaurant that we were told had good broth. We had broth and then walked next door for Gatorade and then back to the hotel and checked in. I was lucky enough to have a gorgeous pool view. The others in the group weren't as lucky (parking lot view and way back view of the loud nightclub behind the hotel.) We rested for a bit and then we were off again to go to the mall. Took a taxi there but walked around at the mall and then took a taxi back. I was done in and took a pain pill and was out by 10:00.
Friday I slept till 10:00. Woke up and looked out my curtain and realized the rest of the group was sitting by the pool. Got dressed with the intention of going down. Dr. Kelly knocked on my door and said he just wanted to see how I was doing. I wasn't doing well. Every sip HURT (and I've had 5 surgeries and 2 kids and I am NOT a wuss). I was in tears and couldn't stop crying. I was freaking out that I would go home to the high heat and end up dehydrated because I couldn't drink. He thought I was homesick at first. I told him I was hurting. He said he'd stop by later that evening with an anti-inflammatory shot to take down some of the swelling in the stomach and it'd make swallowing easier. He gave me a hug and left. I went down and joined the others who informed me they wanted to go to Revolution Row. Daytime it is a tourist shop spot with vendors, zebra painted donkeys, etc. Nighttime it turns into a party zone we were told. We were warned by our driver not to go past a certain area (known as the 'red light district'). I think we all had a good time. Bought a few things. After a couple hours we headed back to the hotel. I sat poolside with a book for awhile and then got some broth and went upstairs to wait for the Dr. He had said between 6 and 8. Turned out to be closer to 8:30. There is no time in Tijuana I've learned. He had his wife and son with him. They gave me the shot and removed the drain from the hernia incision. We talked a bit more at this visit.
This morning I got up at 7 and was ready by 8:00. We had to build in 1 hour for border crossing and 1 hour for airport. We finished a little early so we swung by the water and took some pics. The surgeon's wife was our driver. The others weren't flying out till later so she was going to drive them around and do some sightseeing once they dropped me off. Their flights didn't leave for several more hours and apparently they only get 1 medical pass for the border per day. Today the pain is significantly less. Was able to drink a whole glass of water on the plane...felt like I'd accomplished a major feat. :)
All in all, I felt the service was amazing in Tijuana. I felt like the surgeon was quite competent and the nursing staff attentive. Sometimes language was a barrier. I am glad I happened to schedule on a day where there were others for company. Sad I was put on a different floor and we weren't allowed off our perspective floors. Their spouses did come check on me which was very nice. I also felt like maybe the surgeon didn't have good bedside manner...but after the last visit where he was more social...I wonder if it was more him being respectful that I was a female traveling alone. I know there was another surgeon in Tijuana which had some complaints of being less than a gentleman. So maybe that is all it was...because he did spend more time visiting with the couples. We were given meds for home, instructions for home, a work release letter, a copy of our surgical report, preop xray and post op leak test picture. I didn't feel like anything was done "under the table" so to speak. Overall, as positive as a 'surgical' experience can be. :)
Here are a few pics from the trip if you are so inclined.
Wounds day after surgery. 1 up top, 4 in a row, then 2 more down low for the hernia repair.
Hotel Lucerna Pool Area: There is one pool with the bridge going over center.
Close up of bridge.
Turtle earrings bought on Revolution Row.
Back view of Lucerna Hotel.
San Diego water view near airport.
Tree roots. Thought these were so cool I had to take a close up.
Same trees further away.
And thus concludes my Tijuana journey...let the weight loss journey begin!