Friday, July 12, 2013

4 more sleeps... is fast approaching.   Today I went to the bank and got the certified check for my surgeon...suddenly I felt scared.  Haven't really been scared up to now.  But now it suddenly seems real.  YIKES.  Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

And, as long as I am freaking myself out...I also finalized my Will today.  I wanted to make sure everything was legally taken care of in case something happens.  It isn't like I have a ton of money or anything...just a simple will (kids go to ex or in his absence my brother, I want my organs to be donated and my body cremated, and I don't want to be kept alive artificially).  That simple will was over 50 pages in length, required 5 signatures and notarization and witnesses.  Good grief.  But it is done.

Still on liquid diet.  Want to gnaw my arm off.  I wonder if this is how cannibalism started?

Tried several more protein sources.  Haven't found any more that I really like.  I found a chocolate and vanilla that were tolerable but had an aftertaste.   Will keep trying more.   Would like to have a few choices so I don't get sick of one protein after surgery.  

Funny story...was at the coffee shop doing my will and the lady who worked there asked what we were working on.  I told her it was my will and that I was having surgery Tuesday in Tijuana.  She asked what kind of surgery and I told her.  She said she had a friend who did it 8 months ago in Tijuana and he looks great.  Turns out it was the same surgeon as well.  "It's a small world after all..."

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